Risk Management

PRINCIPAL-IT can deploy risk intelligence that can assign value to vulnerabilities of your network.

Risk assessement is key to building a strong business case for data protection and for how to prioritize which problems to tackle first.

Risk Intelligence

Risk Management

How Risk Assessments Work

Risk assessments locate sensitive and at-risk areas across your managed networks and workstations. We help our clients understand the importance of prioritizing security and the proactive actions to take to prevent loss.

Deploy Risk Intelligence to the Network
Deploy Risk Intelligence to the Network

We configure scan policies and view scan results which uses the Windows Advance Monitoring Agent. We designate which devices to scan and assign the policies.

Configure Risk Intelligence Policies
Configure Risk Intelligence Policies

We define what to look for by creating scan policies. We set the scan type that can include general OS, application security scans, PCI and more.

Create Analysis Reports
Create Trend & Baseline Analysis Reports

We generate data and reports that address the specific risk concerns. The reports provide valuable insight for discussions about security services.

Get PRINCIPAL-IT Risk Assessment & Management Solution!

Contact Us Today to PLAN, PREPARE and PROTECT Your Network.